Sunday, 18 June 2023

City and Town Planning Council (Plan Malaysia - JPBD, KPKT) GnG guidelines

It's time we all reset the system. Let's do away with corruption, abuse of power and respect the Rule-of-Law. 'Little Napoleons' have no place in our society.

We all (RAs, Local Councils and residents) should standardize and follow the guidelines set by the City and Town Planning Council (PlanMalaysia, JPBD KPKT, Malaysia). 

At the same time, the respective local council must enforce the guidelines proactively and take action on RAs that don't comply.

Currently, corrupt RAs are taking advantage of the massive confusion in the Gated and Guarded Community schemes to operate whatever schemes they want whichever way they want. 

Due to the lack of enforcement by the authorities, it's no longer just guarded neighbourhoods but have become illegal gated communities.

They do not follow the guidelines on what they can and cannot do. And this has resulted in lots of problems for the communities.

There are also some RA committee members that are not clear themselves... what more about the residents!

Some key points highlighted as below:

*(Terima kasih & Penghargaan kpd Plan Malaysia - Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa, KPKT Malaysia)

Semua syarat di atas ade buat ke takde? Semua pihak Persatuan Penduduk (RA) yang mengendalikan skim komuniti 'G&G' di perumahan bukan strata haruslah beretika dan beradab bukan biadap. 

Semua syarat-syarat dan garis panduan yang telah ditetapkan oleh pihak berkuasa mestilah diikuti dengan sepenuhnya... tapi nampaknya hampir semua Persatuan Penduduk (RA) di sini korup sebab mereka langsung tidak ikut garis panduan yang telah ditetapkan. 

Disebabkan pihak RA tidak mengikuti syarat-syarat dan garis panduan yang telah ditetapkan, maka skim mereka telah menjadi skim G&G haram. Wabak G&G haram memang berleluasa. Sudah tiba masanya PBT mengambil tindakan tegas.

Salam 1 Malaysia, Salam Perpaduan
dan Salam Malaysia Madani

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