If you have heard about it, The MPK has just recently torn down the barriers and removed the temporary guardhouse of one of the gated and guarded area in Bukit Tinggi, after complaint received among the residents in that particular Taman.

Yup~ Selangor State Government has announced earlier, in order to be gated and guarded(G&G) residential area, one area has to get 100% consent from the residents. Which meant that even if there is one objection from among residents, the G&G application won’t get approval from local authority!

There are 2 different types of G&G community in Klang. First is the one that originally G&G by Developer, like Ambang Botanic 1 and Ambang Botanic 2, and also Bandar Parkland Precinct 1~3A. which when developer started to built, they planned it as a whole compound, to include the landscaping and garden altogether, to ensure the residents enjoy the exclusiveness of the environment. Definitely, by promoting the uniqueness and exclusiveness of the living environment, developer get higher margin!

Second type of G&G is the G&G community initiated by Residents Association(RAs) of particular area, we called it as G&G Afterwards. These become popular for the past decade, when higher crime rate become threats to most of the people. RAs normally have a lot of convincing and canvassing work to do, they need to walk through every houses, try to persuade every residents to join the G&G scheme.

Few years back, for RAs to get their G&G approval from local authority, they only need 85% of consent from residents. Only last year, State Government has came out with new guidelines, to get approval for G&G, RAs have to get 100% consent from residents, which most of RAs think is mission impossible !!  Bandar Bukit Tinggi, Butterfly Park, Bandar botanic, Precinct Bidara, Angsana, Cassia are all considered as G&G Afterwards. Local Authority normally allowed them to fence up only residential area, but not the public area, lake, park etc.

In fact, G&G original from Developer, they collected higher maintenance fees compare to those G&G afterwards. For example, Ambang Botanic 1 monthly maintenance fees for superlink will be RM250 monthly, while for link house in Bandar Botanic, the maintenance fees only RM50~60 monthly.

But the G&G afterwards community they normally face difficulties when getting everyone to pay, as they don’t have rights to ban those unpaid residents to go into their own property. Whereby G&G originally from Developer, they already had the Agreement signed beforehand, if the residents not paying maintenance, management has the right to inactivate their access card, and stop them from enter the residential area.

April 23, 2018 by emily

This might not be the right neighbourhood for you

For those residents who feel insecure without having a gated community (GC) scheme in their neighbourhood, it is better that they move to a Strata-titled and proper "Gated & Guarded" (GnG) residence like "Eco Ardence" or "Eco Park".

They would feel much safer and secure in such "Strata title" properties which are also gazetted as Gated Community (GC) by the Local Authorities /Council.

Please do not try to implement a Gated Community (GC) scheme in a non GC neighbourhood here.

Please do not try to apply from the Land Office to change our current land title from "Individual" title to "Strata". Because this will mean that all maintenance works (such as rubbish collections, drains, maintenance of roads, landscape, streetlights, etc) will no longer be handled by the local council.

Please do not consent or try to form a Residents' Association (RA) to implement a Gated Community (GC) scheme in a non-gazetted GC neighbourhood here. 

Instead if you are really sincere in wanting to promote better neighbourhood security awareness and harmony among the residents, please re-introduce Rukun Tetangga (RT) scheme or Skim Rondaan Sukarela (SRS) by Kementerian Perpaduan Negara.

Please do not implement illegal automated card access system which is prohibited by all local councils in Selangor (unless you have 100% consent from the residents).

Please do not set up any illegal barriers to block any public roads or access to any public parks or children's playground.

Please do not consent or condone to such illegal schemes. You cannot implement a GC scheme legally in a Non-Strata titled neighbourhood.

Please do not leave the security of our neighbourhood to "private security guards" hired by the RA. Please do not erect any guard house without proper consent and permission from the local authorities.

We rather trust our local police (PDRM) than the "security services" hired and implemented by the RA. The security and safety of our neighbourhood lies beyond the capability of any RA.

And for those residents who think that non-paying residents are like "parasites", then those who consented to these illegal schemes in the first place, are like "the biggest tumour any cancer has ever seen". (The tumour needs to be cut away and removed before the cancer spreads).

Even though stringent guidelines have been published by the relevant authorities, residents have been bullied or taken advantage of by some unscrupulous residents associations (RAs), some believed to be linked to syndicates. Providing "security services" seems to be very lucrative and easy money for these gangs.

This looks like a classic case of unscrupulous people trying to take advantage of the situation or trying to profit from people's lack of information/knowledge.

Residents were being told to set up their own RA to implement Gated Community or Guarded Neighbourhood (GN) scheme even before checking with the local district police OCPD (PDRM) on whether their residence sits on an identified "high crime zone" or not.

The implementation of such schemes have been highly questionable including the laws and legality of it, guidelines, getting the consent and approval from the authorities, the monthly fees, the hiring of qualified licensed guards, using card access system which is prohibited, and the barring of non-paying residents from entering (harassing, bullying and coercing the non-paying residents into paying).

The Differences Between GC Scheme and GN Scheme

This website compiles all the related information and articles on Gated Community (GC) Scheme ... and Guarded Neighbourhood (GN) Scheme, for your information.

Know the difference between 'GATED COMMUNITY' (GC) ...and 'GUARDED NEIGHBOURHOOD' (GN) schemes in Malaysia.

Now let us go into the details. There are only 2 types of schemes available - Gated Community (GC) scheme ... and Guarded Neighbourhood (GN) scheme. A "Gated & Guarded" (GnG) Community scheme is basically a "Gated Community" (GC) scheme.

All "Strata" title developments will have to implement a "Gated Community" (GC) scheme to manage all its shared facilities, security and common areas under the Strata Title Act 2007. (An example here would be "Eco Ardence", which is also classified as a "private property" residence).

Normally, only Strata title developments (that comes with clubhouse, swimming pool, carpark and other shared facilities) which are categorized under "private property" can apply for a Gated Community (GC) scheme.

However, in a "non-strata" title development ("Individual" title) property/ residence, if the RA wants to implement a "Gated Community" (GC) scheme, then it has to apply from the Land Office to change its land status to "Strata" title first.

The implications here will be serious and detrimental to all its residents - all maintenance works (such as garbage collections, drains, roads, landscape, streetlights, etc) will stop, and no longer come under the responsibility of the local council MPKlang.

These facilities and services will then have to be privately funded and managed by the RA as if it is a "private property". (MPKlang will not render its services to "private property" residences.)

(All Sime Darby Bandar Bukit Raja double-storey link houses here are categorized as "Individual" title properties. They are also categorized as under "public property"). Therefore, no Gated Community" (GC) scheme can be implemented here legally.

In actual fact, all "Individual" title developments (like ours here in Bandar Bukit Raja) can only apply to implement a 'Guarded Neighbourhood' (GN) scheme via their RA obtaining the necessary consent and approvals from the Local Council and the District OCPD, to hire private guards to patrol their residence.

We hope that upon reading and digesting the contents here, you would be better informed and would make the right decisions for all your neighbours. Right now the residents concerned have very little awareness or knowledge on this issue. Know your rights. We have to put a stop to this unscrupulous practice right now.

Anyway, we are beginning to see that there are more residents who are rising up against this sort of scheme. They are beginning to realize and aware that this is nothing more than a money-making scam in the name of "neighbourhood security". There are more residents who are against these than you know.

Despite the ongoing schemes around the neighbourhood, crooks were still able to penetrate into the residences and break into houses. Stopping cars at the guardhouse won't prevent any thief (burgler/ burglers or robbers) ...from sneaking in on foot or climbing over the fence from multiple compromised locations!

Anyways, if you happened to be one of the unfortunate residents whose house being broken into and things stolen, the RA is not going to compensate you one sen even though you subscribe to their scheme. (In insurance, if you pay the premium you get to claim). Is this fraud or what?

To all home owners/residents of landed properties (Non-Strata title), do not be fooled by your RA into joining any of the above mentioned schemes blindly. They cannot force it upon you.

We shall be planning on taking further actions to request the Registrar of Societies (RoS) to audit the accounts of the RA that take in cash payments every month as the amount paid by each household to their RA far exceed the "Assessment Fees" and "Quit Rent" payable to their local council!

The implementation and the hiring of "security services" here is also questionable. Most of the rules and regulations provided by the Ministry of Home Affairs on the hiring of security guards by the RA are NOT followed. Also they did NOT comply to the guidelines and circulars as required by the State Housing Board. Know your rights! Say no to RA.

We will also be planning further actions here by getting the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) or Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) to investigate if the "security guards" here are licensed and hired according to the laws and regulations (SYARAT-SYARAT LESEN DI BAWAH SEKSYEN 3 AKTA NO. 27/71 UNTUK MENGURUS AGENSI PERSENDIRIAN KAWALAN)

In view of the multiple problems, complaints and the blatant breaking of laws, guidelines and regulations by the RA here, we want this RA to stop operating illegally here. Instead, we want our Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM) back. It's time to leave these security matters back to our local police to do their jobs.

To all other home owners/residents of Bandar Bukit Raja, please DO NOT be fooled by your RA into joining the scheme as this entire development is NOT categorised as a "Gated and Guarded Community". Do not subscribe to illegal schemes!

Zero objection requirement for gated & guarded applications in Selangor

Klang Municipal Council president Datuk Mohd Yazid Bidin, who confirmed receiving the circular, said the new ruling would be implemented in Klang with immediate effect.

Under the new ruling, Yazid said approval could be given to applications with 100% consent from residents from a particular area.

Even if there was one objection from a resident, he said the council would not process the application.

New applications for gated and guarded communities in Selangor will only be considered provided there is no objection from any of its residents.

The State Housing Board sent out circulars to all 12 local authorities on the new ruling.

The new ruling is with immediate effect following a change in policy by the Selangor state government, which earlier granted approval for gated and guarded applications based on 85% consent.

“However, the council will take the gesture of silence from the residents as consent,” he said, adding that it was up to the residents associations and property owners to sort it out.

Yazid said all the pending gated and guarded applications from various parts of Klang would be put on hold and the applicants would be required to meet the new criteria. However, he added the ruling for guarded communities remained at 85% consent from the residents.

"I hope the residents associations will comply with the new ruling,” he said.

By Elan Perumal
Friday, 31 Mar 2017


New gated rules in Shah Alam - 100% agreement for auto gates

THE Shah Alam City Council’s (MBSA) amended guidelines for the gated-and-guarded scheme is aimed at streamlining the process and avoiding confusion.

Among the new stipulations is 100% approval from residents for automated gates and access cards. Approval for manual boom gates is 75%. Barricades, which must be removable, are only permitted between midnight and 6am.

A guard has to be on duty by the barricade at other times in the event of an emergency. Security guards are also not allowed to take away the driver’s MyKad or other documents. Fencing is also not allowed unless the area is located near a highway, road, river or monsoon drain.

The amended guidelines are based on the state government’s recommendations, which were sent to 12 local councils.

Shah Alam city councillor Foong Saik Hoong said the guidelines were meant to resolve or avoid untoward issues.

In recent years, the issue divided residents in existing neighbourhoods over the implementation of the gated-and-guarded scheme with local councils being trapped in the middle.

“The conflict often happens with individuals who have personal agendas. “For it to work, residents associations (RAs) need to be united,” pointed out Foong,

“If there is a need to fence up the area, residents will have to apply to change the land status to strata but this means all maintenance work will be their responsibility instead of the council’s,” said Foong, adding that this would comprise road maintenance and rubbish collection.

Foong pointed out that some stipulations in the amended guidelines conflict with federal law such as the Street, Drainage and Building Act 1974 Section 46 that do not allow temporary buildings or obstructions without approval. This would include guardhouses and posts but they are allowed in the state-approved guidelines.

The amended guidelines require that submissions for approval be made to the One-Stop Centre (OSC) as well as the Planning Department for the guardhouse, speed breakers, boom gates and road excavation works.

“This way, there will be no illegal works that might pose a problem later,” said Foong. RAs will also have to apply for a temporary occupation licence (TOL) from the land office for their guardhouses.

There will also be a one-off payment of RM400 for the guardhouse per application which was not imposed previously. There is no requirement to obtain a certificate of completion and compliance (CCC) or certificate of fitness (CF) for the structure.

RAs will also not be allowed to block any road permanently or remove pavements to redirect traffic. Foong said approval for the guarded schemes was previously valid for two years but it has been extended to three now.

Some RAs expressed concerns about the amended guidelines, saying it may be tough for them to comply with. Bukit Kayangan Residents Association president Datuk Helmi Daud said there was no way a neighbourhood could get 100% approval from residents. “Getting 75% approval is already difficult, so we had to come up with an alternative solution,” he added.

Helmi said they hired guards who patrol around the neighbourhood from 7pm to 7am but had no guardhouse. The authorities, he added, should have consulted the RAs before implementing the guidelines. Kota Kemuning Residents Association president Allan Lee said 100% consent is too strict.

“It would only take one resident to stall all RA initiatives,” he said, adding that the strict guidelines made it seem like the authorities did not care about residents having a safe environment to live in. Lee said most RAs are run by volunteers who may not have the time and resources to fulfil all the stringent requirements.

By Priya Menon
Friday, 7 Jul 2017

Central Region , Security Guard , Gated And Guarded , Shah Alam


Gangsters fighting over turf for "security services"

SECURITY companies provide the service of securing business premises, housing estates and other places, seeking to deny entry to trespassers. Reports of late, however, indicate that they are not what they make themselves out to be.

The recent attack on security guards in Bukit Raja, Klang, where one fatality was recorded and several others were injured, is just the tip of the iceberg. According to police, the motive behind this incident could be gangsters fighting over turf.

This is not the first time security guards have been attacked with the intention of intimidating residents, giving residents the impression that the security company they hired is incompetent. The result is a changing of the guards, so to speak.

The inspector-general of police, meanwhile, in relation to the recent attack, urged the public not to be pressured by gangsters offering security services, but instead, report the matter to the police.

It is strange how there is a sudden proliferation of guarded communities in many neighbourhoods in the Klang Valley. Could it be that the upmarket “gated community” concept has snob appeal and is being emulated more for prestige than fighting crime?

Malaysia has always been a peaceful country where restrictions on movement imposed by fear is alien. Even the police have undertaken a low-profile approach to community policing, except at certain times of the year when the “balik kampung” phenomenon leaves empty urban homes at risk of being broken into and roads become more dangerous than usual.

Or, is it a case of gangsters creating an atmosphere of insecurity ripe for their picking? That is, the protection racket has been honed to perfection: pay the crooks protection money by way of hiring their unregistered companies. In short, racketeering has taken a legitimate veneer.

The home minister said that licensed companies have been bought over by triads and criminals under the cover of which crimes are organised. This was confirmed by the inspector-general of police and the Security Services Association of Malaysia.

Whatever the answer, the security industry is, without a doubt, booming. However, the incidence of crimes committed by security guards themselves are of urgent concern, like the murder of an AmBank officer two years ago by an illegal foreign security guard, who robbed the very bank he was hired to protect. Soon after that incident, the authorities promised a clampdown to ensure all security companies are licensed and their guards legal and risk-free.

These companies were expected to submit their employees for police screening and training. The police have made themselves ready but the companies are shying away.

More terrible is the number of unregistered companies plying the trade, hiring any Tom, Dick and Harry as guards. Indeed, these men should be tracked down, but why hire them in the first place?

Fear is no excuse. Residents can come together and, with the help of the police, keep neighbourhoods safe. The Rukun Tetangga, when properly organised, can act as a 24/7 neighbourhood watch.

April 22, 2015 @ 12:00pm

Illegals caught working as security guards

Illegal foreign workers are all over the country, especially in housing areas, including the residences of the elite group.

This is because high-end housing areas will employ security guards, most of them foreigners, to monitor and patrol the neighbourhood.

Selangor Immigration Department director Mohamad Shukri Nawi said his officers conducted a joint operation with the Home Ministry to check on foreigners working as security guards.

The operation was carried out at five premises around Petaling Jaya and Batu Caves on Wednesday.

Out of the 24 individuals screened, eight were found to be foreigners and working illegally. They comprised four Nepalese, three Indians and a Myanmar national.

Mohamad Shukri said the operation was focused on hot spots, gated and guarded communities, including apartments and condominiums.

“We will conduct operations from time to time through our own intelligence, information and complaints from the public.

“Even high-end housing areas will be checked because there are foreigners who work as security guards.

“Among the offences committed by them include not having proper documents, misuse of social visit passes, no valid work permit or one that has expired, as well as falsification of documents,” he said.

The cases are being investigated under Section 6(1)(c), Section 15(1)(c) and Section 56(1)(1) of the Immigration Act 1959/1963, as well as Rule 39(b) of the Immigration Regulations 1963.

On Thursday, The Star reported that living in gated and guarded communities may not ensure safety and security.

Six houses belonging to residents of USJ Heights in Subang Jaya were broken into in a span of five months.

When asked on the matter, Mohamad Shukri said police would investigate criminal cases while Immigration would monitor illegal foreign workers to see if any immigration offences were committed, especially in housing areas.

“We also act based on reports and complaints from the local community. If they suspect something is amiss among the security guards in their areas, they can always lodge a report.

“Residents should provide us with accurate information, especially their housing address, so we can act promptly,” he said, adding that only Nepalese were legally allowed to work as foreign security guards in the country.

By Iwan Shu-Aswad Shuaib
Saturday, 8 Sep 2018

Don’t let your guard down

More and more housing areas in the Klang Valley are adopting the gated and guarded security scheme in view of the rising crime cases. Once the residents association worked out the details, a guardhouse is built, the entry-exit points are closed, security guards are stationed at strategic points and residents are issued car stickers.

While putting aside the debates on the legality of such schemes (it is prohibited to obstruct public roads under the Street, Drainage and Building Act 1974), the legitimacy and efficiency of the guards employed are worth exploring.

Those who are against the gated and guarded security scheme say they are not convinced that their areas would be safeguarded by laymen donning the security guard uniform.

Their worry is not without basis. Kuan Chee Heng, who is the founder of a community policing website (, said some of the security companies do not have proper licences. “As far as I am concerned, there are about 400 licensed security companies as of February this year.

“They must be issued Licence 2 (a) under the Private Agency Act 1971 to provide personal guard and protection for the safety of somebody else or safety of property or other people’s business,” he said. Even if the company has a licence, most of the guards are untrained and thus not be allowed to work as security guards.

“The Home Affairs Ministry only allows locals and Nepalese to work as guards, but one can see foreigners like Bangladeshis, Pakistanis and Indians in the housing areas now. “They may be illegal or legal foreigners who have come into the country using working permits for other jobs,” he said.

The reason they take up jobs as security guards instead of those stated in their permits is because the salary may be higher. However, their salary will still be lower than the locals or Nepalese.

Kuan claims the foreigners have taken a step further by setting their own group and soliciting money from residents in exchange for their “security services”. “They do not have proper uniform, just reflective vests over their clothes,” Kuan said.

To prove his point, Kuan took StarMetro for a drive around Puchong and Serdang in search of the gated and guarded housing areas. In Taman Lestari Putra, we spotted a Pakistani man, who appeared to be in his late 20s, riding a motorcycle in his uniform.

We asked what kind of work permit he is holding and he replied, “Ladang (plantation).” Kuan then enquired about his employment. “I work for a security company, but if you can help, I want to start my own company,” he said.

We also visited a neighbourhood in Bandar Puteri Puchong where the Indian guard could no converse with us properly due to language barrier.

Kuan pointed out the danger of hiring foreigners as security guards – not only that they are not accustomed to our laws and culture, they cannot make police reports on the crime incidents and testify in court.

“They are not supposed to be working as guards, so naturally they wouldn’t appear in front of the authority. “Even though they are witnesses of the crime cases, they cannot give their statements to the police,” he said.

This, coupled with the fact that they are untrained, proved that foreign security guards cannot provide proper protection to the people who employ them.

In fact, some local guards, like the ones serving a residential area in Bandar Kinrara, admitted that they did not undergo training before working as a security guard.

“I once asked a guard why he didn’t call 999 when a fire happened, and he said his mobile phone did not have any credit left. “If he had been trained, he would know that he can make emergency calls under such circumstances,” Kuan said.

The effectiveness of the security service is often questionable. Most sit at the entry-exit points of housing areas and salute just about everyone who drives in. Some guards also appear to be frail and old, thus unfit to serve as guards.

Kuan pointed out that the police would focus their manpower on those areas that did not have such a security scheme, and thus those gated and guarded ones must ensure that the guards were up to the mark.

He advised the residents to ensure that the guards employed by security firms are either locals or Nepalese, and screen the guards by submitting their names to the nearest police station. “They must not have crime records. The guards should also take urine tests periodically to ensure that they are not drug users.

“The insurance coverage for any losses or thefts occurred should also be negotiated with the company,” he added. Nonetheless, Kuan said the security guards might be exploited by the company who employed them. “They are not sent for training because it is costly – it is RM250 for Level One of a basic course and RM700 for Level Two. For Nepalese, it is RM400 for Level One. “They are underpaid and overworked, and most do not have EPF and Socso benefits. They do not have insurance coverage, too,” he said.

He advised the residents to pay the security firms well in order to get a proper security service in return, and provide proper shelter to the guards instead of a makeshift booths. All in all, Kuan stressed that one’s safety is not guaranteed in a gated and guarded area.

“The community must work together in order to curb crime. “Your neighbour is your first line of defence. “Establishing strong ties and close rapport among the neighbours is more important than anything else. “Teach the elderly and children to be vigilant and call the local police stations in case you notice any suspicious character,” he said.

The Selangor police hotline is 03-2052 9999.

By Tho Xin Yi
Tuesday, 13 Oct 2009

"Gangsters" More Than Guards

Residents in guarded communities are being forced to pay protection money – to their security guards.

Many of these guards are nothing more than gangsters who are legitimising their protection racket under the guise of providing security. Residents are effectively paying to protect themselves from those who stand guard.

Even the Security Services Association of Malaysia (PPKKM) admits that many of its member companies are backed by gangs.

Several residents associations (RAs) in Klang Valley are trapped with the gang-linked thugs or ex-convicts as guards. Office bearers of some RAs claimed they were forced to continue hiring these companies after being threatened that gangsters would cause problems if their services were terminated.

There have also been cases of fights between rival groups vying for the security business. The most recent case involving a turf war among gangsters in Bandar Bukit Raja, Klang had left one security guard dead and six others injured.

A representative of an RA, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said many associations were enticed by gang-linked companies because of the low rates. “They charge about RM4 or RM5 an hour. But later we find that these guys are not even trained. Some come to work drunk,” he said.

Another RA committee member claimed that fights had broken out at her gated community’s guard post.

An RA chairman said when his neighbourhood was being patrolled by a suspected gang-linked company, houses of those who did not pay were frequently broken into.

A security industry veteran, who handles several RA contracts in the Klang Valley, said his clients found it difficult to get rid of gang-linked guards.

“One RA asked me to take over from a gang but I declined. No one dares to take over from a gang, it is something we don’t want to get involved in,” he said.

He said gang-patrolled neighbourhoods were on the rise in Klang, Rawang and some parts of Subang Jaya and Lembah Subang, with about RM2,000 from each housing area.

“If they control many areas, the profits are big. That’s why gangs expand their territories and end up clashing with rivals for control,” he added.

He said there was no certain way for an RA to check if a company had underworld backing or not, as most are operated under the licences of bigger security companies.

Community Policing Malaysia (CP) founder Kuan Chee Heng said RAs should vet potential security providers with the police to avoid paying protection money to the gangs.

By Nicholas Cheng
Monday, 18 May 2015

Related stories:
‘About 40 member companies backed by gangs’
Act to be amended to rein in security industry

Malaysia gangsters legitimise protection racket through security guard services

Residents in guarded communities are being forced to pay protection money - to their security guards.

Many of these guards are nothing more than gangsters who are legitimising their protection racket under the guise of providing security.

Residents are effectively paying to protect themselves from those who stand guard.

Even the Security Services Association of Malaysia (PPKKM) admits that many of its member companies are backed by gangs.

Several residents associations (RAs) in Klang Valley are trapped with the gang-linked thugs or ex-convicts as guards.

Office bearers of some RAs claimed they were forced to continue hiring these companies after being threatened that gangsters would cause problems if their services were terminated.

There have also been cases of fights between rival groups vying for the security business.

The most recent case involving a turf war among gangsters in Bandar Bukit Raja, Klang had left one security guard dead and six others injured.

A representative of an RA, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said many associations were enticed by gang-linked companies because of the low rates.

But later we find that these guys are not even trained. Some come to work drunk," he said.

Another RA committee member claimed that fights had broken out at her gated community's guard post.

An RA chairman said when his neighbourhood was being patrolled by a suspected gang-linked company, houses of those who did not pay were frequently broken into.

A security industry veteran, who handles several RA contracts in the Klang Valley, said his clients found it difficult to get rid of gang-linked guards.

"One RA asked me to take over from a gang but I declined. No one dares to take over from a gang, it is something we don't want to get involved in," he said.

He said gang-patrolled neighbourhoods were on the rise in Klang, Rawang and some parts of Subang Jaya and Lembah Subang.

"If they control many areas, the profits are big. That's why gangs expand their territories and end up clashing with rivals for control," he added.

He said there was no certain way for an RA to check if a company had underworld backing or not, as most are operated under the licences of bigger security companies.

Community Policing Malaysia (CP) founder Kuan Chee Heng said RAs should vet potential security providers with the police to avoid paying protection money to the gangs.

PUBLISHED MAY 18, 2015, 11:53 AM SGT

FYI Links:

Dubious guards doing the rounds

WHY is there the trend of guards patrolling housing estates today?

Previously it was only for gated communities. In Taman Tun Dr Ismail where I stay, this has become a “necessity.”

Some individuals in guard uniforms have gone from door to door offering to patrol the neighbourhood for a fee.

Not everyone, including me, agree to such an arrangement. We cannot ascertain their background, let alone let them “protect our homes.” This may become a permanent affair. Who knows what will happen if one were to discontinue the service.

Just yesterday, the aluminium door to my rubbish chute was stolen along with my neighbour’s, two doors away.

Was this a warning to enrol for this service or just a misdeed by irresponsible individuals? It looks as if I am being coerced to pay “protection money” for peace to my home.

I have been staying in this neighbourhood for the past 17 years and this is the first time the door to my rubbish chute was stolen.

It would seem futile to make a police report over such an inexpensive item. I thank God it was not something more serious.

The presence of our friendly neighbourhood policeman is a rare sight nowadays. Where have they gone?

Busy guarding VIPs or hiding behind some trees to catch traffic offenders?

Have there been many resignations in the police force? If so, is it because of low pay?

In that case, a revision should be in order. No doubt, many rank-and-file officers hold SPM or PMR qualifications and, therefore, are not entitled to high salaries but the risks they take in the line of duty should be taken into account.

I appeal to the authorities to properly streamline the practice of guard patrols sprouting all over housing estates, in particular, those with minimal or no police presence.

I still strongly believe in the protection of the police as the “official protector of the people.”

Kuala Lumpur.

10/01/2007 The Star


To All Residents of Bandar Bukit Raja, Klang:

Please be informed that the implementation of the Card Access system by our irresponsible RA is unlawful/illegal as they do not have the consent of all the residents here. (They need 100% consent from the residents before they can implement this card access system as required by MPKlang. But they don't even have 50% of the residents' consent here.)

Many of the residents here are now fuming over the RA’s selfish agenda, causing lots of grievances and inconveniences to non-participating residents. If you are being stopped by the “guard” at the autogate from entering your own residence because you do not have their automatic card access, this is what you should do:

1. Tell him you are a resident here, not a visitor – they have no right to ask for your details/register each time you are coming home. They have no right to stop you. Tell him you will have to make a police report if they don’t let you in.

2. Please make a police report at the nearest Balai Polis Bukit Raja Klang Utara (Tel: 03-3345 2222)

3. Either lodge in a public complaint (e-aduan) to MPKlang or do it at the MPKlang counter there. You can also e-mail your complaint directly to the President of MPKlang... and the Menteri Besar of Selangor.. []

4. Automatic Card Access System is already being prohibited by all the local councils (eg. MBSA, MBPJ, MPKlang) unless the Persatuan Penduduk (RA) has 100% consent from all the residents which they do not have. Not even close.

5. Do not be fooled by your RA into joining the above mentioned schemes blindly as this entire Sime Darby Bandar Bukit Raja is not under “Strata-Title Act” and is not a gazetted “Gated and Guarded” residential zone. The persatuan penduduk (RA) cannot force you to join their highly questionable scheme hiring their own “security services”.

6. The RA committee members here have been taking advantage, intimidating and bullying the residents here for their selfish agenda and we cannot let this continue. They have broken all the guidelines, laws, rules and regulations set by the authorities (the Local Council and State Housing Board). The hiring of “security guards” here are also questionable as they do not have the proper uniform for it. It is very likely that they also do not have the licence and other stringent requirements from the Ministry of Home Affairs such as undergoing background checks and urine tests by PDRM.

7. Most of the rules and regulations provided by the Ministry of Home Affairs on the hiring of security guards by the RA are NOT followed. (SYARAT-SYARAT LESEN DI BAWAH SEKSYEN 3 AKTA NO. 27/71 UNTUK MENGURUS AGENSI PERSENDIRIAN KAWALAN, Lampiran 1: Pengambilan Pekerja dan Pengawal) - Garis Panduan Perancangan  ‘Gated Community and Guarded Neighbourhood’ yang diterbitkan di Malaysia Oleh Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa.

8. There were many reports from the newspapers that suggest that some residence associations (RA) are believed to be linked to syndicates. Providing "security services" seems to be very lucrative and easy money for these gangs. Residents were being coerced to set up RA to implement Guarded Neighbourhood (GN) scheme even before checking with the local police OCPD (PDRM) on whether their residence sits on a "high crime zone".

9. It's time to leave these security matters back to our PDRM as we do not trust any security guards nor any RA. Our neighbourhood security is beyond any RA, as it lies with the local, state & federal government levels. We hope that you would be better informed and would make the right decisions for all your neighbours. Right now the residents concerned have very little awareness or knowledge on this issue. Know your rights and the facts. We have to put a stop to this unscrupulous practice right now. There are many of us here that feel we have been “cheated”. In fact more and more residents are awaking up to this unscrupulous money-making scheme.

10. We also want the RoS to audit the accounts of RAs that take in cash payments every month as the amount paid by each household to their RA far exceed the assessment fees and quit rent payable to their local council! At a time when the government is trying to address the rising cost of living, we must also learn not to waste our money on such dodgy scheme. Say "TAK NAK" to “GnG” scheme! Get back your freedom before it's too late!

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