Fyi... Sime Darby Property never said it is GnG in BBR

Please take a look at Sime Darby Property's marketing campaign visuals (attached here are some examples for your ref). They never said their landed properties in BBR are either Gated Communities or Guarded Neighbourhoods at all.

For privacy and security, they only mention...

"Enclave layout with single entrance and exit" ... or

"Single entry & exit point" and ...

"Safety is accentuated through the utilisation of security systems like auxiliary police patrols and home security alarm system" ... or

"Equipped with alarm system for peace of mind".

No mention of a Gated Community scheme or a Guarded Neighbourhood whatsoever anywhere in their marketing campaigns for properties in Bandar Bukit Raja.

Sime Darby Property did not state that these are gated or guarded communities ... but instead they only emphasized on having home alarm system, auxiliary police patrol vehicles and police officers on top of a single entry & exit point. All these, together with a perimeter fencing will provide adequate privacy and security without a "GnG" scheme.

So far Sime Darby Property have been generous enough to provide perimeter fencing for added privacy and security. That's all... and it is not meant for any RA to implement and operate illegal gated housing scheme later on!

Sime Darby Property have been generous enough to provide perimeter fencing for their residences even though they are not gated or guarded. However the residents should not misconstrue or be misled by their RA into believing that these are legal and proper "GnG" residences. They are not. The RA cannot implement a GC scheme legally here as it is against the law.

In newer developments, developers like Sime Darby Property also usually provide a guardhouse at the single entrance and exit point. (The guardhouse is meant for their auxiliary police patrols and the police officers. Eventually the residents can also make use of the facility should they choose to form a Kawasan Rukun Tetangga (KRT) later on.

These enclave layout plan with a single entrance /exit-point together with a perimeter fencing is to provide additional security and privacy. And not for the RA to operate a "GnG" scheme.

Please take a look at Sime Darby Property's marketing campaign visuals (attached here are some examples for your ref). They never said their landed properties in BBR are either Gated Communities or Guarded Neighbourhoods at all.

Fyi, Sime Darby Property do not hire private security guards to patrol the neighbourhood. So you see, it's not Sime Darby that have started these "GnG" but actually the unscrupulous RAs (Residence Associations) with their own agendas that have started these illegal schemes and scams.)

Please do not implement or consent to illegal "GnG" housing scheme in your own neighbourhood. If it is not a legal gated or guarded community, don't go and start an illegal one.

Fyi, not everyone wants to live in a gated or guarded community. Please do not impose your values on others. Don't try to form an RA to coerce residents into signing up illegal gated or guarded scheme please!

If you want to live in a gated community, there are many legal and proper "GnG" developments everywhere. If your concerns are privacy and security, then by all means move to a private property strata-titled "GnG" residence.

There are many renowned award-winning developers such as Sime Darby Property that are offering top-notch security features that come with perimeter power fencing, CCTV surveillance, visitors management system, 24-hour guard patrolling system, emergency panic-button, call-assist, etc...

Warning: To all home owners of Sime Darby Property in BBR, please do not sign any consent letters to your RA for implementing any type of illegal "GnG" housing scheme. Do not be coerced by them.
*More examples below:

Why are the RAs being allowed to coerce the residents into signing up their illegal scheme? Why are they allowed to create obstructions and inconveniences to the residents? Who gives them the authority to implement card access system? Why most of them have implemented proximity card access (automatic card access) when it is clearly prohibited by the local council?

The authorities must take action to help the silent majority here. We urge the authorities to assist us the residents in putting a stop to this menace and to come up with a ultimatum or a comprehensive solution to this long-overdue problem.

For those residents who want a legal /certified GnG residence, they can move to nearby Eco Ardence or Eco Park. They will feel more at home there! Please do not implement or consent to illegal "GnG" housing scheme in your own neighbourhood. If it is not a legal gated or guarded community, don't go and start an illegal one.

Fyi, not everyone wants to live in a gated or guarded community. Please do not impose your values on others. Don't try to form an RA to coerce residents into signing up illegal gated or guarded scheme please!

If you want to live in a gated community, there are many legal and proper "GnG" developments everywhere. If your concerns are privacy and security, then by all means move to a private property strata-titled "GnG" residence.

There are many renowned award-winning developers such as Sime Darby Property that are offering top-notch security features that come with perimeter power fencing, CCTV surveillance, visitors management system, 24-hour guard patrolling system, emergency panic-button, call-assist, etc...

As for Sime Darby Property's recent launching of Elmina Green One - double-storey link homes in Elmina City, their marketing strategy on security emphasizes on "Security Redefined" ... consisting of
  • "Township Security" through dedicated auxiliary police patrol vehicles and police officers;
  • "Home Security" boosted by Built-In Solid Security Grilles and Home Alarm System;
  • and all the above at "Zero Maintenance Fee" !!

Sime Darby Property did not say these are gated or guarded communities ... but instead they only emphasized on their home alarm system, built-in solid security grilles, auxiliary police patrol vehicles and police officers on top of a single entry & exit point. All these, together with a perimeter fencing will provide adequate privacy and security without a "GnG" scheme.

Fyi, they do not hire private security guards services. So you see it's not Sime Darby that have started these schemes. It's actually the corrupt RAs (Residence Associations) with their own agendas that have started these illegal schemes and scams.

*(The guardhouse that Sime Darby Property usually provide is actually meant for their auxiliary police patrols and the police officers. Eventually, the Rukun Tetangga (RT) can also make use of the facility should the residents decide to form later on. No illegal or sub-standard guardhouse will be allowed in the future to safeguard the development's image).

To clear the air, Sime Darby Property is emphasizing on "Zero Maintenance Fee" ... to any potential buyers/ residents again. If you were to read in between the lines, what they are saying is "why would you want to pay monthly maintenance fee when it is not a certified "GnG"?

*(Sime Darby Property is getting sick and tired of corrupt RAs taking advantage of the situation by converting all the residences into illegal gated and guarded housing schemes, forcing the residents to pay monthly maintenance fees, and creating all kinds of problems in the neighbourhood.)

In fact all double storey link houses under individual titles (by Sime Darby Property in Bandar Bukit Raja) are not legal "GnG" communities. (Currently, all "GnG" residences in Bandar Bukit Raja are operated by unscrupulous RAs who want to profit from operating illegal gated housing schemes and scams.)

Only corrupt RAs will manipulate the facts and tell you that the neighbourhood needs a "GnG" scheme for "better security" as they want to profit from it. Normally a small group of people with personal agendas will try to form an RA and then try to convince /coerce the unsuspecting residents into signing up their scheme /scam.

But actually, if they are sincere in wanting to promote better security and harmony, they can also do so by starting a "Rukun Tetangga" (RT) which is free of charge and is recognized by the government (Kementerian Perpaduan Negara) ... and not an RA. Please do not mislead the residents!

Residents pay next to nothing for participating in Rukun Tetangga but residents are charged between RM50 - RM100 per month by the RA for implementing and operating illegal GnG scheme to unsuspecting residents. The monthly security guard fees ("protection money") can add up in the long term. Nobody should have to pay unnecessarily to RA ... after all, it's your own house right? You are already paying the bank loan/ mortgages and taxes.

It is understandable as people do not want to pay monthly fees for the rest of their lives living in their own home. Why should they? Now everybody wants to simplify their lifestyle and be able to lower the cost of living especially the retirees and old folks. People do get wiser as time goes by and nobody likes to be taken advantage of. But when are the rest of us going to wake up?

Warning: To all new home owners of Sime Darby Property, please do not sign any consent letters to your RA for implementing any illegal "GnG" housing schemes. Do not get scammed.

*Advice for any home buyers/ investors out there ... 

The market value of "GnG" properties (under RM 1 mil) have come down a lot due to cautious and poor demand. Buyers, investors and home makers now realize that there are more downside to it and huge number of GnG properties around Selangor have been known to stay unsold for many many years despite the lower than market value prices. *(Only certified & exclusive GnG properties priced RM 1.5 mil and above i.e. with clubhouse/ golf course have maintained their market values.)

What people look for in a house has changed - the popularity of GnG (below RM1 mil) is a thing of the past ...gone are the days of GnG. The value of such "GnG" properties have gone down a lot whilst those that are not under GnG have maintained their prices if not a slight increase in market value.

It is a lot harder to sell any "GnG" properties nowadays. Fyi, all gated housing developers factor in the maintenance fees on top of their house selling prices. These landed GnG developers make more revenue/profit from the maintenance fees than from the sale of their properties in the medium to long term. In this way, it can continue to generate monthly revenues for them even after the projects have ended. It's a sure-winner strategy for the developers and no wonder they are the ones creating all the hype. So, don't be fooled.

Fyi, there are so many unsold GnG properties in the market currently and even though the promotional selling prices are very attractive, there are still no takers (house cheap but maintenance fee expensive - no wonder "tak laku").

Unfriendly gated housing schemes also deter away any potential buyers from taking a look. Normally, house-hunters would want to check out the properties by taking a drive around the neighborhood they are interested in. But what people don't get to go in and take a look, people won't be interested in. This means lost sale opportunities! Ask any real-estate guru, he will tell you so! So they are a lot harder to sell. *(Why agents bother to put up "House For Sale" banners/ posters at the properties when outsiders are not allowed in, in the first place?)

It is not in your best interest to invest in non-certified "GnG" housing schemes consisting of 2-storey link houses (below RM1 mil). Even if you think is a good offer, walk away. Chances are the prices are still coming down even more - the asking prices have come down by a whopping 20%. (And that is why Sime Darby Property do not mention anything in their marketing campaigns about their development being 'GnG' (for houses priced below RM1 mil).

No wonder Sime Darby Property's latest marketing strategy for Elmina City is "ZERO maintenance fee" - they do not hire private security guards; their houses now come with built-in solid grilles, home alarm system and they get the police to patrol the neighbourhood.

(Do not purchase any old gated or guarded housing properties or sub-sale units from agents before taking a look at some very attractive new "non-GnG"  homes from Sime Darby Property in BBR Klang.)

*It would be wiser to purchase any of these super attractive, quality non-GnG properties from Sime Darby Property in Bandar Bukit Raja, Klang anytime.

For privacy and security ... Sime Darby Property emphasizes on "Single entry & exit point" and "the utilisation of security systems like auxiliary police patrols and home alarm system for peace of mind". [It's good enough ... no need to have problematic and illegal "GnG" schemes].

Get FREE legal fees, stamp duty and rebates when you purchase new units from Sime Darby Property - Bandar Bukit Raja. *(You don't get any of these freebies if you choose to purchase any sub-sale units or old properties from any real-estate agents. You can save up to tens of thousands of dollars when purchasing a new unit from Sime Darby Property)!

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